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Telegram for Business
Telegram for Business
Do your customers use Telegram? We’re sure they do.
Developed by LiveChat Integrations
Works with   LiveChat

This app has 800 million active users monthly, and it’s still growing — 2.5 million users sign up daily.

Today, you can conveniently reach them all.

Let your Telegram customers contact you using their preferred app and see how their experience with your services becomes more positive and frictionless.

With the Telegram for Business app, you can:

  • Connect your Telegram account with LiveChat in just 1 minute
  • Conveniently talk to your Telegram customers via LiveChat
  • Have the first 50 chats for free
  • Have as many Telegram Bots as you wish on one license
  • Route inquiries from Telegram to the appropriate agents or departments

Connecting your Telegram account with LiveChat makes your agents' work easier and ensures your Telegram customers receive the service they expect and want.

Effects? Seamless support and more sales.

Key Features

Group routing
Assign Telegram chats to a group of agents dedicated to this channel for seamless communication.
Lightning-Fast Speed
Experience blazing-fast messaging with Telegram's cloud-based infrastructure. Say goodbye to delays and enjoy real-time communication with lightning speed.


Improved customer experience
Enhance the overall customer experience and loyalty by letting people talk to you via their favorite channel.
Cheap and effective
For just $10 a month, you can run ALL of your bots.
No limits
Connect as many bots as you like on one license.
Easy to connect
You can connect your bots in just 1 minute – it’s that simple.
Free chats
The first 50 chats are on us, so you can test the app freely without hidden costs.

App Privacy

The developer LiveChat Integrations indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact LiveChat Integrations. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Telegram for Business.

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