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  • Pipedrive

Manage your Personas straight from the chat.
Developed by Text
Works with   LiveChat

The Pipedrive integration makes it easy to manage all your Personas straight from the LiveChat application. It will help to close more deals and boost your profits.

Pipedrive is a CRM software and a reliable sales management tool. It allows you to map out each step of your sales process. Thanks to a simple drag-and-drop builder, you can easily complete every stage.

The solution supports lead management. It enables you to gather contacts through Web Forms that can be placed on your newsletter or website.

What's more, Pipedrive lets you collaborate with your teammates using notes, reminders, and goals. It integrates with many other apps, including Google solutions, which you can use to broaden its functionalities. Apart from that, the tool comes with mobile optimization, advanced customization, statistics and reporting, multi-language and multi-currency, and the API.

Key Features

Native integration
With LiveChat for Pipedrive we went all in, building the integration that seamlessly blends into your LiveChat application. Now you can manage all of the integration's features right at your fingertips.
Manage Persons while chatting
The integrations allows you to add new contacts to Pipedrive from ongoing or archived chats. There's no need to switch between the apps, so you can easily save some additional time and dedicate it to your customers. And what's a better way to increase your conversion rates than doing just that?
See information about recurring customers
If a customer chatting with you is already in your Pipedrive, you can view his details straight from the chat, without leaving the LiveChat app.
Add chat transcripts to Personas
You can add a chat transcript to your Person, straight from concurrent or archived chats with a few simple clicks.
Add chat transcripts to Deals
You can add a chat transcript to your Deals, straight from concurrent or archived chats with just a simple click.


Turn leads into deals more efficiently
Capture leads on a big scale and strengthens relationships through live chats.
Differentiate yourself from the competition
Competitive advantage can be obtained by managing your products more efficiently and having good relationships with customers. With LiveChat, you can communicate with your customers in a channel they prefer while providing a superior customer experience.
Personalize communication and better nurture your leads
Relevant CRM information such as a company name, the last order and a phone number is displayed directly in the chat window so that you can offer more personalized, informed service from the start.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing Pipedrive will give the developer access to:


Archives, Tickets, Agents, Settings

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact Text. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Pipedrive.

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