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  • Chatbots

  • EasyBot

Easy to configure, affordable bot for everyone
Developed by LiveChat Integrations
Works with   LiveChat
  • Fifty free chats every month
  • The ability to set up any bot in 5 minutes,
  • And blocks to build almost every scenario

We have it all. What else does anyone need?

EasyBot is a perfect tool for businesses that don’t necessarily need complicated, hard-to-configure, and often quite expensive bots. Unlike other bots, it's easy to configure, affordable and doesn't require extensive technical knowledge. With its help, you can handle the most frequent cases, such as welcome or out-of-office messages, or create your scenario for the talk.

Set a greeting that your customers will see the moment they send you a message while waiting on the agent, inform your customers about your GDPR, create surveys, or collect contacts from the customers who contacted you outside of working hours.

You can also tag specific chats, send files to your customers, or command your bot to wait for their response to create more natural conversations. What's more, you won’t pay anything for the first 50 chats per month, so the only thing that stops you from designing engaging and effective communication is now your imagination ;).

Try EasyBot today and discover how simplicity meets functionality in the world of chatbots!

Key Features

Blocks for all scenarios
With a wide range of EasyBot blocks, you have the power to easily design almost any conversation scenario, giving you full control over your communication needs.
Easy to manage
You can assign your bots to a specific group so only selected agents handling a given chat can see and use it.
Prefilled templates
Choose from various templates to jumpstart your chat scenario, making customization a breeze.


Blocks that you can drag & drop
Set the desired path, quickly changing the order of elements and adding additional elements in one move.
Fast to design
Use a prefilled template to save time, or modify it how you want.
You can set up your bot by dragging selected blocks and placing them in the desired order instead of planning complicated paths.
User- and budget-friendly
EasyBot is much cheaper than other chatbots, and the first 50 chats every month are free, so you can try it for free.

App Privacy

The developer LiveChat Integrations indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact LiveChat Integrations. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of EasyBot.

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