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Apple Messages for Business
Apple Messages for Business
Turn more Apple users into loyal customers by making it easier for them to chat with you.
Developed by Text
Works with   LiveChat

Let 1.5 billion Apple users chat with you in Messages, the default Apple messaging app. It’s more convenient so users are more likely to stick with chats. This gives you more chances to help them along the path to becoming loyal customers.

LiveChat agents chat with Apple users just as they do with anyone else – there is no new interface to learn.

Integrate Apple Messages for Business with LiveChat to enable native chat options for Apple users and get all available features such as list pickers and integrated Apple Pay.

For example, iPhone users searching in Spotlight search will see an option to start chatting with you right from the search results. The experience is seamless for both customers and the LiveChat agents chatting with them. ChatBot integration offers plenty of room for smart automation as well.

Please note that the integration is currently available only in Business and Enterprise plans.

Key Features

Chat buttons integrated into iOS apps
Add a chat option for your company in Safari, Spotlight Search, Apple Maps, Siri, on your website, your social media, in your iOS app and now with Chat Suggest, which can offer a messaging option when iPhone users make a call.
List picker
Give customers a list of options to choose from – make lists on the fly and save common ones for quick access. Also works great to get information quickly with chatbots.
Date and time picker
Propose time and date options and let customers reserve one in chat. They see any conflicts thanks to automatic cross-checking with the Calendar app on their iPhone.
Open other iOS apps
Send links that allow users to open other apps, such as your iOS app, to get further information or complete a transaction.
Accept payments in chat
Let customers make purchases with Apple Pay. Customers with Apple Pay set up will see an option to quickly and securely pay with their method of choice.
Verify identity in chat
Use secure authentication for interactions where you need to be sure the person on the other end is who they say they are.
Chat across Apple devices
Identity in Apple Messages for Business is linked to a customer's Apple account. Apple Messages for Business syncs chats on any device linked to that account.
Get feedback with just a tap
Customers can now answer your questions with quick replies. Add surveys and measure customer satisfaction — let customers choose from up to five responses.


Convert more Apple users
Let Apple users start chats with you in Messages, the default Apple messaging app. The experience is more convenient and engaging for them, so they stick with chats in Messages for longer which leads to more chances for you to earn their business.
Smooth experiences all around
Natively integrated iOS features mean a seamless experience for customers. Your customer service agents will chat with Apple users as they do with anyone else in LiveChat – there’s no new interface to learn.
Automate with a human touch
AI-powered chatbots quickly answer when possible or route customers to the right agent thanks to seamless integration with ChatBot.

App Privacy

Safety begins with understanding how developers collect your data

Privacy and security practices can differ depending on how you use the app. When you install the app, it will automatically receive permission to access specific account data listed below. These permissions enable the app to work properly and offer the features you expect.

Installing Apple Messages for Business will give the developer access to:




Webhooks and integrations, Settings, Agents, Chats

The developer Text indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy. App installation indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Text, Inc. Marketplace.

Tutorial & Support

How to use this app

Follow the app tutorial with setup instructions on how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account. To get help and support contact Text. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Apple Messages for Business.

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